Thứ Sáu, 2 tháng 9, 2016

[Review]Keep2Share PayPal From Keep2Share Is The Best Solution For Storage

[Review]Keep2Share PayPal from Keep2Share is the best solution for storage

Keep2Share offers access to the main components of the Service free of charge. Keep2Share also provides certain Keep2Share Premium Key, for which a subscription fee is charged. In addition, Keep2Share provides certain support services to Keep2Share Reseller.


With a Keep2share Paypal Premium Key from Keep2Share Premium Reseller PayPal, your files and downloads are completely secured by Keep2share’s state of art encrypted system. Never worry about data safety again. You can Enjoy supersonic downloads from our cutting edge storage cloud. Plus, you can use download accelerators for even better experience. Your downloads start instantly. Heck they finish almost instantly too! No more wasting time waiting for what you need! And so much more!

Keep2Share Reseller
Keep2Share Reseller

Setting up an account with Keep2Share Reseller is simple. All users need is an email address and password to get started. The service is truly free as there is no need to include a credit card during setup. The site informs consumers if their chosen password is strong enough to withstand most brute-force attacks. Weak or very weak choices cannot be saved. A randomly generated Keep2Share Premium key is provided and can be saved as a text file. This key is required should the password be lost.

Once in the account, it is very easy to navigate. The upload and new folder creation buttons are located along the top. In addition, users can right-click the space and select the same features if they prefer.

In order to share a file, Keep2Share Reseller users have to select the document or folder. Once selected, the sharing feature becomes available. Consumers can then choose either a confirmed contact or input an email address of their choosing. Customers set the accessibility of the files and click done. It is very easy. If the recipient is already on the contacts list and they are a Keep2Share Reseller user, they will see it next time they log in. If not, the name is added to user contacts and an email is sent, letting the recipient know that a file has been shared and they must have an account in order to view the files.

From the panel, users can also send messages to contacts via the inbox. However, we found it difficult to be able to do this with the contacts we had.

Keep2Share Reseller does have a sync client available for customers that prefer to dump files into this folder and have them transfer when the system isn’t using as much bandwidth.

Keep2Share was known mainly for their security. The company utilizes AES encryption protocols to secure files prior to transfer from the user’s computer. The files then remain encrypted during transit and once they are saved on Keep2Share Reseller’s servers.

Additionally, Keep2Share Premium key does not store passwords or master keys. These are both held by the consumer and cannot be recovered by the company. During initial set up of the account, the user is prompted to create a password. If the password is too weak, easily guessed, the site will not allow it to be saved. There is an indicator underneath the password box that tracks how strong the login information is. Users can use this to determine if their chosen combination will work.

Should a user forget what the password is, the only way to recover it is by having the master key. If it is the first time a user has asked to reset the code, he or she will have an opportunity to save the master encryption key as a text file prior to reset. This combination of letters, numbers, and special symbols is randomly generated at the time of account creation, however, once it is saved, it is not maintained by Keep2Share Reseller. Any user that does not have access to this key will not be able to reset the password. Instead, a new account will be created and the information previously saved will remain encrypted and “parked” on the server.

Because the consumer keeps all keys and passwords, it is one of the more secure services on the market. In addition, when a file is shared, the recipient must be a Keep2Share free user in order to view the file. No outside links are sent for collaboration unless specifically requested by the owner of the account. In that case, the key must be sent with the link in order for the items to be viewable.
When working on a file, it can be open on both screens. However, in our test, we noticed that when our collaboration partner made a change in the shared folder, it was immediately seen on our side but there was no notification of the alteration. We are unsure whether it is because we were noticing connectivity issues or the service expects Keep2Share PayPal users to be chatting via their inbox during the process.

We did find that uploading and downloading files and folders by Keep2Share PayPal Reseller were easy. If desired, an entire folder can be chosen to upload instead of just individual documents. This, of course, will take longer to complete. For some reason, when using web browser to access the site, we noticed that the full file upload feature was not available. This could have simply been a display error with this specific web page as there is an add-on for web browser.

New folders can be created prior to upload and then documents placed within these newly created folders. Additionally, Keep2Share PayPal users can make the file hierarchy later and sort the data once all information has been transferred to the online account. As we said, the collaboration feature is not obvious. Some sites have a share button available even if there are no files in place. In order to work on a document together, the file must first be selected before the option displays on the screen. The sync client is a nice feature that allows Keep2Share PayPal users to place files into the downloaded app and then transfer them when the computer is running idle. This can save time and frustration when saving documents to the online storage site.

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